Saturday, March 26, 2016

(MKTG 348) Week 8 - Thank You Page's

It's always nice to hear a Thank You after you've made a purchase or signed up for something but is it really the proper thing to do for a business? According to HubSpot, Yes! You need to make your customers feel appreciated and on the analytical side you can also track successful conversions this way. So really it's a win-win for everybody!

When creating your Thank You Page it is important to remember that this page can help you send your lead to other parts of your website. You may want to provide links to different pages that can provide more information or entice the lead to stay with your company. If you link to the right content you can help your buyer move further along their buyer journey.

You really want to make sure that on your Thank You Page you explain more about the offer and further expand on when the lead may hear back from you. You want them to be informed and feel confident about submitting their information to you. You should always make it very easy for your potential customer to get to the offer they submitted their information for. And again, if you cannot provide them with the information right away give them a time frame. No one likes empty promises or vague words. Be descriptive, will it take two days? A week? A month? Address this with an honest answer.

You should also make sure that your navigation tab is accessible on your Thank You Page. That way if your potential customer wants to browse through your site they have an easy way to do so. By showing the navigation menu on this page you are giving the potential lead an opportunity to further confirm their decision to work with you. This means that the content on your website should be enticing, correct, and informative. You want to make sure that your potential leads feel comfortable and happy about the decision they made to give you their information.

Although it may seem wrong, you should actually provide another call-to-action (CTA) for the leads to look at. Maybe there is an extension or something else you can add onto what the lead was just looking at or maybe there's another offer that might interest them. It is always important to try and move your buyer along their journey as smoothly as possible. If you have an offer that can help them even more then your previous offer then you should put a CTA to show it. Let these potential leads know that you have more to offer.

A few important things to remember for your Thank you Page are that you should be definitive with your time frame, provide additional information, and create additional enticing CTA's.

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