Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Importance of Web Analytics

In the CASA Marketing book the first chapter talks about how important Google Analytics is and how it is not a scary or really hard thing to understand. The book says that Web Analytics is a good skill to have because companies are always looking for people who will be able to better their websites and improve consumer traffic. One fear I had about Web Analytics was that it was going to require me to know a lot about numbers. I am not a numbers person so going into this class I feared that I would have a hard time understanding the numbers side of analytics.

I have always heard of Google Analytics but I was never quite sure what it was or how it worked. I had assumed that to use Google Analytics you had to be part of a company and you had to pay for the service. The CASA book mentions that there are other types of software that companies use such as Adobe Analytics and Open Source Analytics which are both costly programs,but great programs to know if you want to get a really good job.

Chapter one of the CASA book brings up social analytics which I was unfamiliar with. After reading the section on social analytics my impression is that it basically shows you how well your social media platforms are performing. It tells you how much traffic you are getting to your social media sites and from what places you are getting these viewers. I thinks this type of analytics is interesting because social media is so relevant in today's world that it just make sense to be able to see what kind of traffic you have coming to your sites.

I chose to put in a screen shot of my blog set up page because this was the first time I have ever made a blog so it was interesting to learn all about how blogs work and how one is set up.

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