Inbound marketing stresses the idea of being part of the conversation. You can do this by putting out blog post that is helpful to your intended audience or even suggesting a tip that could help them with a problem they are having if they asked a question. According to Hubspot, the buying process has changed. People rarely go into a store and buy something based on what the salesperson suggested. Typically, a consumer will do their research online and then go and make their purchase based on what they found on the internet. If your company is the solution they found online they may be more inclined to purchase what you are offering. The customer found you, you didn't find them and this is important.
A few good ways to gain attention to your site is by blogging, using SEO, and using social media. Hubspot mentions that the most important thing to do once someone is at your site is get their contact information (email). The best way to do this is by offering the customer something in return. For example, if the customer gives you their email than you can offer a coupon, or free ebook, or whatever may be attractive to your audience.
One of the most important things to remember when using inbound marketing is that you need to analyze everything you do. You need to make sure that your strategies are effective. You do not want to waste time and money on something that is doing nothing for your customers or your business.
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