Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blogger Statistics

Blogger allows you to view statistics about your blog. When you click on the stats button you can get an overview, or look at specific posts, as well as view traffic sources, and look at your audience. It is important to know where your viewers are coming from, especially if your blog is business related. You obviously want to post about things that are relevant to where your audience is from because interests vary depending on where a person is from. Knowing your page views is also a key to blog success because if you aren't keeping track of how many people are viewing your page then you won't know if your blog is helping your business. Blogger allows you to see views and information in different time segments. You have the option of looking at now, day, week, month, or all time. Each of these options can be beneficial to helping you understand your audience. For example, if you did a whole week were you only blogged about one topic and that week performed the best compared to other weeks then you can better gauge what your audience is truly interested in. Another feature Blogger offers allows you to see what types of browsers or devices people are using to view your blog. It can tell you whether someone is using a mobile device or if they are using a certain Internet browser on their computer. This is beneficial to know because you may have to optimize your blog to make sure it appears appropriately and works correctly on both mobile devices and computers. 

After looking at my blogger statistics I noticed that I was getting views from the United States which makes sense because I have not yet promoted my blog on any type of social media site. Getting views is definitely exciting and makes you want to blog a lot more because you realize you are putting out content that someone else enjoys.  It is so clear how and why blogs can be an asset to a business and how you can almost form a community of people within your blog. When I looked at the operating systems that were being used to access my blog I found that Windows, Mac, iPhone, and Linux were the main sources, with Mac being the most used. Knowing this information, I was curious to see if Blogger looked the same on my iPhone as it did on my computer. I grabbed my phone and checked it out, and it did in fact look the exact same so now I know that my blog is accessible to people who are viewing it from mobile devices. It was also interesting to see how my blog differed from being on a computer to being on a phone, the setup is different but the theme stayed the same. 

This was the picture I saw when I was looking at my page views a few weeks ago.  It currently shows that I am only receiving views from the United States. 

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